Sunday, November 8, 2020

What I saw at The Polls - 2020


What I Saw at the Polls

I live on the outskirts of a small village with mostly farm livestock as neighbors.  I like it that way.  Working as an election worker at the polls was a chance to be among human neighbors.  And I will say this right out front – they were nice people and it was a good experience working alongside them.  If you know about “working the polls,” you understand that I sat side by side with people who are declared officially to be the opposite political party as myself.  That is done on purpose:  to keep the work honest.  Among us as workers, I think we had a positive day.  No one hurt anyone’s feelings.  No one raised a voice in argument.  No one got contentious. 

So when it comes to the national concern – a very grave one – with fraudulent voting practices I am just as alarmed by that as anyone.  I think cheating is a lousy way to win, but it is a truism to state that not everyone feels that way.  And frankly it makes me sick to my stomach to think that people would do something to tamper with the integrity of the process.

But.  It also should not be left unsaid that some people should not vote.  I witnessed two cases.  I did not view this in a vacuum, my opposite-party colleague also saw it.  I saw this with my own two eyes.  I want to share it with you incase you don’t believe it is possible.  My right hand on the Bible, this actually happened as I tell it to you:

Case #1.

Perhaps she was in her 30’s.  She was in the company of two other young people who shared the same address.  None of them had the same last name.  The other two were anglo she was not.  She was some sort of Asian.  I know “my Asians,” having friends who are of Eastern descent, and she was none of these:  not Chinese, not Japanese, not Taiwanese, not Korean, not Philippino.  Perhaps Bhutanese?  But she seemed a bit tall for that group of people.  None of that matters, welcome to America to all people; however – it did not appear that she spoke English.  And, again, welcome to America people of all and many languages…. Except you need to know what the hell you are reading on the ballot in order for your vote to be a meaningful exercise in citizenship. 

So my election-worker-partner asked her if she ever voted before.  She did not say no.  She shook her head no.  He simply offered that you take the sharpie pen and fill in the circle next to the name of the person for whom you are voting.  We handed her the blank ballot, the sharpie, and sent her off to the polling privacy station to do her part.  She cast her ballot and the machine rejected it as spoiled.  Apparently, she had filled in ALL THE CIRCLES. 

My partner took a second shot at explaining how to vote.  “You read down the columns.  You pick one person in each column (insert index finger here, signifying ONE), you fill in the black dots.  She returned to her station and then to the machine and cast a second spoiled ballot.  (We don’t look at your ballot choices by the way.)  Her friend was now standing by her side and said, “I will go help her.” 

So for the third time she took a clean ballot and proceeded to the polling privacy booth.  My colleague and I logged the second spoiled ballot and watched from a distance as the two women stood next to each other and the one told the other – it appeared – which circles to fill in.

Now I ask you:  If my alphabet looks like ABCDEF…. And your alphabet looks like Stick-figure-running-house-firecracker- upside-down-tree, how are you going to know which man’s name is who?  I don’t think she spoke English.  I think she understood some limited English, but for my money, whomever her friend was that assisted her really got the chance to vote twice…. And that is not fair.

Case #2

A young woman approached our table to get her ballot.  I recognized her, since I had taught teens at a church for a few years.  She had been a high school student over a decade ago.  She did not recognize or acknowledge me.  My impression of her from back in those days was she didn’t show up to class to often but seemed very timid.  Even at this voting experience something seemed, well, “off.” 

She went to the privacy station and with her back to those of us who were easily 20 feet away or more she began gesticulating wildly at the ballot before her.  She threw her hands up in the air a few times.  She sighed.  She groaned aloud.  She pointed her finger from one spot to the other many times all over the ballot without bringing the sharpie down to mark a circle.  I poked my colleague on the arm.  I said to him, “I knew her over a decade ago in passing.  I do not know if she is unstable or if she can’t read but something is truly wrong there.” 

Then I felt like I was going to choke.  I touched his arm again.  I asked him, “do you see what she is doing?”  Her hand was pointing on the far-left side of the ballot up and down, up and down, between the two choices.  She was doing “Eenie-meenie-miney-moe” to make her choice. 

THAT is a TRAVESTY of the process.  She finished her antics, went to the machine and cast her vote.  It was accepted as a legitimate ballot and she walked out the door.  So wrong.  So very, very wrong.  Perhaps even sacrilegious.    When you consider that the fate of millions of people, the economy, world peace, and other huge human interests depends on the integrity and capability of the person we put in Office, there should be no room for people of incomprehensible behavior to make a mockery out of the whole process.  You may say, well, rules say nothing about the behavior of the voters.  Perhaps.  BUT, if she is a certifiable lunatic, her ability to make a valid, semi-well-considered choice on a ballot is more than compromised.  Or did we send ballots to asylums to get those dear people to weigh-in as well?

Throughout the day we had many conversations.  This is not the job for an introvert – since the shift is SIXTEEN HOURS long.  It was an endurance test the year I did this in a community that was very, shall we say, non-welcoming to new comers?  This year was more fun.  We had two people there who are super-extroverts and they were entertaining.  When we got to 8 pm and the room was empty of voters, and we were starting to fade, they regaled us with stories and joking.  That was a gift. 

Throughout the day one person shared with me she heard of a household that received THREE ballots in the mail, and only one person who lived there was registered to vote.  Additionally, a ballot was mailed to a dead woman.  It made me harken back to childhood days…. My father was a rural route letter carrier (aka: mailman).  I loved mail.  I would come home from school and go to the kitchen counter to see what envelopes were lying there.  “Dad!  Can I open this envelope?”  He asked a rhetorical question:  “Whose NAME is on it?”  (not mine.)  followed by:  “It is a federal offense to open someone else’s mail.”  All things considered, put me on record as saying:  Only a jackass – by any definition of that word – could think that mail-in ballots were not a BIG, HUGE DISASTER IN THE MAKING.  Or maybe that was someone’s intent all along.

Where I live, Trump signs out number Biden signs on front lawns in both size and quantity.  I find it curious that Biden did not really campaign.  He made an absolute joke of the first debate.  As I stated elsewhere before, with his smirking, refusal to answer questions, and general evasive attitude it made me think of how growing up if we made THAT face to my father he would have most assuredly said:  “Wipe that bleeping bleeping smile off your face, before I wipe it off for you!”  It may not be appropriate soft-approach parenting of the 3rd Millenium but it taught us respect…. Something that Mr. Biden did not display. 

I also find it curious that no Biden parades (just riots), no rallies, masked-or-otherwise, and generally the zealous output of a fart in the wind from his supporters.  And Nancy Pelosi stated PRIOR to the election that they had already won.  I am not sure if someone thinks we are voting in mute sages and omniscient prophets or what.  Then the celebrating and claiming of victory before a concession speech from the current sitting president…. The slurring of him ever-so-disrespectfully on CNN yesterday.  The whole process has been marred by disrespect. Shame on those who are involved! 

They say it aint over till the fat lady sings.  Well, I haven’t sung in a while, and unfortunately by medical definition, the other descriptor applies to me.  You won’t hear me singing until the Supreme Court hears the cases regarding fraudulent voting allegations.  And to the mailman in Pennsylvania who changed the dates of the ballots, if you don’t fear the Federal Government, you should fear the ghosts of all letter carriers who have gone on before you …. Listen for their footsteps in the night …. As they haunt you for your treason.  May every dog in Philly pee on your mailbox.


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