Friday, November 13, 2020

No Fever Today ...


 No Fever Today .... 

No fever today.  But, man, do I have a headache.  I feel like someone banged me on the top of the head.  Maybe it was me.  I have one of those cedar post log beds and it is a possibility.  I am sure if you ask the dogs I was not a good bedfellow last night:  I probably thrashed a lot.  But it was their fault.  I was having a nightmare that I lived in apartment and some man walked into my kitchen and somehow, I knew he was not going to hurt ME, but he was after my dogs.  I ran out the door and found my limbs uncooperative with the speed I was attempting; I stumbled helplessly by a guy I know from work and he said nothing.  I floundered my way to the Rental Office to have them call 9-1-1 and discovered I could not speak, nor could I shout.  But in my chest, as I slept, I could feel myself screaming.  I threw myself across the rental agent’s desk.  Then, I woke up.  My dogs smiled at me as if nothing happened.  That’s the thanks I get for saving their lives in my dreams!  Was it watching cop shows before bedtime that caused this … or the pretzel squares smoothed over with port wine cheese that I must blame?

Or COVID?  Maybe, like everything else that has gone wrong, we can blame COVID.  I am so sick of that word.  Sick of the 3-point instructions (if you don’t know what they are after 7 months of hammering from every direction, SHAME ON YOU!).  So what happened to all my good intentions on how to keep my life “together” as a single person moving through this community-world-wide-health-disaster? 

I sleep a lot, but I am not well-rested.  I talk to the same handful of people every week, because I love them.  Yet there are people that I thought might care enough to pick up the phone and check on me, that have by-and-large not done so.  Consequently, my Christmas list is shrinking in my head.   I realized that it is probably pointless to consider online dating, because we are as a State getting ready to “close down” everything again.  Will there ever be a real-life date again?  Not that I had a shot at that in the last decade.  I felt like before COVID I had very few possibilities of finding a good match, True Love (think “Princess Bride” movie dialogues), or anything related to relational happiness.  Now, my overall hope is swirling the porcelain bowl. 

Getting a part time job is high on my list at present.  However, getting the virus is NOT.  Consequently, all the Help Wanted signs on the big box stores are irrelevant to me.  I am trying to get online, work-from-home jobs.  Or maybe I could just “marry into money,” but then again see the previous paragraph’s conclusion.

Valor, Prince of Morning Glory Acres, is in desperate need of a wife.  I have hunted for one online for him and come to the realization that the Law of Supply and Demand does indeed function and thrive in such times as these.  People are working from home.  Kids are doing school remotely.  I can’t imagine how four and five-person households must be tripping over each other right now, both physically and emotionally.  What’s the American solution? – Get a dog.  Which, if you think about it, is incredibly short-sighted (or desperate).  What happens, the Amish puppy-broker woman asked me, when these kids go back to school and these adults go back to work?  What happens to the dogs indeed?  I can tell you at my house when I am not home they haul out the cigars and the poker game begins … just like on that classic painting.  Then, when I arrive home from work or wherever, I am greeted like the whole world revolves around me…. And that idea is an utter ruse, and very tricky on the part of the dogs.  Because, the world does not revolve around Me.  It revolves around, well, THEM … treats and climbing all over me on the couch when I am trying to read a book.  They are even at the point when I end a phone conversation with my typical, “Okay, bye” the dogs shoot off the couch to the door leading to their pen outside… even if it is 38 degrees and drizzling rain.  They are die-hard narcissists. 

I may have mentioned my strange spiritual shift during the lock-down as well.  I was not attending Church for those first three or four months of COVID.  My weekend worship was televised – and came with some fabulous homilies (and only a couple not-so-fabulous ones).  My Tuesday night Bible study dissipated.  My Wednesday night chapel appointment evaporated.  And with all of this paradigm shift I found myself…. Relieved.  I welcomed the break.  It is helping me distill what is really important about spirituality:  the relationship between He and I.  But that has taken a shift as well.  I’m not one of the people relentlessly pounding on the doors of heaven for Him to save us from illness, etc.  I think of the man Job, portrayed in the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) as suffering tremendously yet toughing it out.  When he finally gets cranky with God, the answer comes back to him:  “Where were YOU when I laid the foundations of the Universe?”  In other words, God knows what He is about and what He is tolerating from creation gone-awry and He does not owe us any answer.  He provides us only (and the word “only” should not herein feel so diminutive, but rather, pointed) the assurance that He is with us always.  I have a stickie note on my desk at work that says:  “The same God that got us through the 10 plagues in Egypt and the waters of the Red Sea is still with us.”  I didn’t steal it from a magazine.  I just finally realized that it was true and it calmed me down.  It gave me an historical-theological perspective.

Yesterday I found out that I actually weigh a few pounds more than my father.  That was a piece of messed-up news.  I’ve been on the Wellness Challenge with the group from work for three months and have not lost one pound for more than three days.  Have fun with that math.  Actually, my father lost weight because his health is struggling.  My only goal for the Wellness Challenge was actually to prevent weight gain.  So, I keep a food diary – as a Type-A person that is no big deal.  And then at the end of the week I look at the dismal pattern of eating-as-a-single-person and think to myself, “Maybe some day you will have the zest to attempt weight loss, but relevant to the place your head is right now with the world events, this is no time for Refrigerator Heroes.”  My Wellness Coach, bless her sweet heart, has agreed that “not gaining” is a good.   In an incremental way.  LOL.

Months ago, when the weather was great, I attempted walking the track next door on a regular basis.  Experts say that activity accompanies or precedes weight loss and control.  I logged my activities onto my Food Diary so I could be honest.  I even took my poor, sad, neglected bicycle out there a few times.  The tires don’t hold air like they should but I rode anyways.  And I was kind of crest fallen when after a few weeks of three days of successful effort, I did not see the needle move on the scale.  Damn bagels.  At any rate, it is cold now and not the weather that I will walk outside.  Luckily the dogs are amenable to going out to their yard by themselves.  I just can’t get my system to adjust to cold weather these past few years.  My body remembers the glory of Arizona wistfully.

I had a dream once about retiring to a warmer climate.  But I am not sure I will actually LIVE long enough to retire.  And the jerks that run the system have moved that needle as well.  I figure I will be 92 when I can retire and not need to move into my nephew’s garage.  Really, I should lose weight just from all this mental mountain-climbing I’ve had to do in the past seven months. 

Dear reader, I hope you and yours are well.  I hope that you can be entertained by my stated plight.  And if you feel sorry for me enough, send me cookies.  By all accounts, it seems I’m losing the war anyways.  I may as well go out with a smile on my face.


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