Sunday, November 8, 2020

The "A-word" and the "E-word"

The “A-word” and the “E-word”

I’ve rambled around this house for a while looking for two things:  my coral-colored 8x8 baking dish and my green paperback copy of The Code of Canon Law.  Wherever they are, they are not here so I will have to move along without them…. (side note: no brownies tonight, apparently).

I have a bumper sticker that says:  “I’m Catholic and I Vote.”  I mentioned that to a church worker a few years back and she, a convert to Catholicism, donned a tone of moral outrage and said:  “What’s THAT supposed to mean?”  You see, sometimes in the ebb and flow of life people become members of organizations without really researching what it means to endorse a religious philosophy of life.  For so many people who “became Catholic” so they could marry in the Catholic Church to a partner who already is Catholic, they may not have realized that.  When you, as an adult, ask for reception into This Church, you are buying in to a certain set of faith-based norms.  I will lay them out for the sake of the cause:

Ø  Not just one Golden Rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” but there are actually Ten Commandments we endorse.  The Holy God gave these to Moses and they were then handed down to the people of Israel and all people of good will.  These 10 Commandments are not suggestions or nice ideas.  For a world that is sin-sick and dying and morally corrupt, these are “the 2 tablets you can take and call the doctor the next morning feeling better.”  They are the prescription for an orderly and godly society.

Ø  The Beatitudes given by Christ, also on a mountain, and also to help form a loving, godly society.  These beatitudes are not just platitudes – they address your attitudes – and develop virtue in the human heart.  With injunctions to desire to “hunger and thirst for righteousness” and to be “pure of heart,” these are no light-weight slogans.  In order to achieve them, you have to pursue them with diligence and discipline.

Ø  The Seven Sacraments – signs along the way of how we encounter God in the workings of daily life.  These are rituals by which we invite the Lord to be present with us in the key moments of life – our worship, our marriages and ordinations, our childrearing and coming-of-age, and our dying.  They help us deal with the joys, mistakes, sorrows and victories of life.  They remind us that life itself is holy.

Ø  The Nicene Creed – which is the statement of belief handed down for hundreds of years as a distilled collection of what particularly we believe about God and our faith.

So, okay, to my point I want to talk about why I was looking for The Code of Canon Law.  I want to talk about “excommunication” from the Catholic Church.  This is the means by which someone is cut-off from the faithful.  I think I can do this without the Code in my hand because I’ve read it enough times to know the sense of what it is. 

First, a definition from the Catechism (SS.1463):

“Certain particularly grave sins incur excommunication , the most severe ecclesiastical penalty, which impedes the reception of the sacraments and the exercise of certain ecclesiastical acts, and for which absolution consequently cannot be granted, according to canon law, except by the Pope, the bishop of the place or priests authorized by them.  In danger of death any priest even if deprived of faculties for hearing confessions, can absolve from every sin and excommunication.”

Second, to state that excommunication from the Catholic Church is not the same as an Amish shunning.

The Amish “shun” someone, or place them under the ban for varying reasons which vary from one community in Indiana that will ban you for having a front porch swing (it’s pride & vanity to have a nice thing out front) to another community that will ban you from holding the back of your dress together with a straight pin up near the top of the neck (vanity).  The Amish hold that shunning over you so you will repent and see the “evil” of your ways and come back to conformity with the community.  Not so with the Catholics.  Our excommunication is not a warning.  It is the official seal on what a person has done that goes against the official doctrine of the church defined in faith or morals.  It is a reaction to deeds of a person that causes scandal on the name of Christ and the Church because the deed(s) was so egregious.  Amish can be shunned as a result of doing something on accident and getting caught.  Catholics are excommunicated for doing something with full knowledge and ability to freely choose otherwise.  It would be safe to say that for an item to be topic for excommunication, it will also be matter of mortal sin as well – and in order for a sin to be death-dealing (mortal) to your soul it has 3 criteria:  it involves serious matter; you can choose otherwise; you choose it with knowledge that it is serious matter.  End of story.  No one accidentally makes a mortal sin, or accidentally gets excommunicated.

But sometimes I wonder what the HELL takes our bishops and cardinals so long in making a formal excommunication … particularly with politicians…. A person of more genteel character would not suggest here that perhaps MONEY could be involved, but I am not that virtuous.  I wrote a letter to a Cardinal a couple of years ago and spurred him to make a formal excommunication of a high-profile person that was notoriously supporting …. Abortion.  No response.  No forthcoming excommunication.

So the more I agonized over the wrongness of his spineless inertia as a faith leader…. Look, Saint Catherine of Siena told the Pope who was hiding in Avignon France, “The Lord says to you:  Go back to Rome, or you go to Hell.” I remembered one important thing about excommunication.  It is not so much something someone DOES TO YOU.  It is something you do to yourself.  Your decision, your immoral activity, your scandalous behavior put you outside of the realm of the people who are striving to live virtuous lives and obey the precepts of the Holy One.

When I worked as a pro-life crisis pregnancy center director many years ago, I did one thing to make sure I knew what I was talking about:  I watched videos about the various types of abortion, and the testimonies of the women in pain after they made those choices.  And I want to say two things with absolute certainty:  Abortion is intrinsically evil.  And, We can do Better by our women.  We can provide women with better choices and options and support. 

I also want to be clear on this:  Abortion is intrinsically RACIST.  I thank God for the work of Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece Alveda King and her work with Priests for Life.  The minority communities need to stand up and say “NO MORE!”  Anyone who reads the booklet about abortion foundress Margaret Sanger will get a very sobering picture about her intention:  eugenics via birth control and abortion.  It is called “Father of Modern Society.”  It explains her targeting the inner city communities, of which she clearly was not a member.

The current push in the abortion community has been to legalize it up to nine months AND immediately upon birth.  People, that is called:  Infanticide.  It is just as grave matter as prenatal abortion.  If you do it, if you assist in it via money or car ride or are the physician, if you sign it into law or promote it on your placards …. And if you fancy yourself a Catholic, you… are… not.  Here’s the cup of coffee as you wake up. 

And.  If the alleged President Elect made such a big show of going to Church the morning of the voting … please note that you only saw him coming OUT the door …. Because the moment he officially signs any abortion declaration in Office, he is declaring upon himself an automatic (latae sententia) excommunication, no spineless clergy required.

And.  If you actually for some reason voted for his party that has a death warrant out on babies in America and spreading it overseas as well, then you best cart your sorry self off to confession.

Is the sitting president perfect?  No.  Is he respectful and always classy and gentlemanly?  No.  But he has done more for the sake of the pre-born children and the maintaining the sanctity of human life (think:  Thou Shall Not Kill, cf. 10 Commandments) than any other president.  That is a single issue.  Really, respect for human life is the primary and only issue because all other issues flow from that.  Respect.  For.  Life. 

And Mr. Biden can wipe that smirk off his face now, because there is a God who someday WILL.  And that is no joke.



*Side note: I want to commend 40 Days for Life as well as crisis pregnancy workers, and Project Rachel workers for their tireless work over 40+ years to provide better options for women and their babies.  And to the “Silent No More” women who are coming out of their sorrow to say they made a mistake:  May the peace of God be upon you and heal you. +


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