Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Pray Specifically

I did not know that I needed to be more specific when I prayed for something.  I am smart enough to know not to pray for “patience” because the only way to find out if you are patient, is if you are surrounded by extremely aggravating people and frustrating situations.  I’ve got that already in a few arenas and I fail that regularly.  LOL.  The Good Lord must keep all of those tests in a closet somewhere and just open the door on some poor, unsuspecting person who prays for patience.  I can hear Him in my head, “All these situations in this storage closet are starting to rattle around.  Hmmm, let’s see who down there prayed for patience, I will just open up this door and let a few cases out and see how the pray-er does….”  I don’t think He adds “heh, heh, heh.”  I think only the other guy down below is allowed to use that subtle taunt.  (It was a tactic that seems to be implied in the biblical story of Job.  “Do you see your servant Job, if you let me mess with him, he will blow it just like every other human being.  Heh, heh, heh.”  And God replied, “Go for it.  The guy’s got his head on straight and he can manage this.”  (personal translation from the English by me).

So what I prayed for was “a little camper.”  What I had in mind looked like the picture above.  What ended up happening was the picture below.  The Crown Prince featured below is the first born of a litter of six cocker spaniels that I raised recently.  It’s not that no one wanted him.  It’s that the wanters didn’t cut the muster.  When the woman who called wanted me to “cut off that tail by the time we pick him up,” and he was already six weeks old I realized she was a bad fit.  First of all, we dock tails at 3 DAYS old because it (docked tail) is breed standard, and you do it prior to the full development of the central nervous system.  She didn’t seem to be aware of or care that it would hurt like heck.  Comparatively, there was a character in the Bible who had his ear whacked-off with a sword and no one said to him, “aw, stop your blubbering; it’s just cartilage; after all you’re a grown man!”  (Or the famous line from my father when I fell off my bike, “Stop crying; it will heal up before you are married.”  Little did I know I could have major surgery a few times over by the time that happens…)  

This particular puppy, like his brother Oreo who is similar in color, kept their tails because … I thought they were adorable.  That was the only criteria needed.  They looked like black paintbrushes with white tips, and they are adorable.  So, no, lady, I aint cutting the puppy’s tail off because you can’t manage to love him IF he has a tail.  He will do just fine with me who loves him tail and all.

But the scenario of wanting a “little camper” to enjoy in the woods and getting “a little camper who will enjoy the woods too,” was kind of a surprise to me.  It made me wonder if I should buy a prayer journal with sketch pages on it, just so I can be clear-er next time I put a request in.  For instance, there is a raffle with a Dodge vehicle coming up – and I sure could use a new vehicle (to pull the little camper that I don’t have).  Do I have to draw a picture of the vehicle?  Or will I end up with dodge ball?!


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