Sunday, January 22, 2023

Out of Control


 Quite frankly, you will never catch me praying for “patience.”  Here’s why:  When you ask God to make you patient, there is only one way to find out if that prayer got answered:  He surrounds you with people and situations that would make Mother Teresa of Calcutta use the F-word.  He puts you in situations where St. Francis of Assisi would begin kicking the wolf and throwing rocks at pigeons.  The most frustrating of circumstances become the very bones of your every day life and you, the perfectly patient person, smile serenely and say, “Praise the Lord, bring it on.”  And because I do not ever think it would be possible for me to endure that kind of moral fire and come out with my usual cherub-like demeanor, I do NOT pray for patience.  You will just have to take me as is, or not at all.  And I’m cool with that.

So, I am going through a Season in life right now that is very difficult.  I left a job of 23 years because I could not see my way clear to take one more shot of mystery serum into my arm.  Lucky that I do not play soccer or football – I personally would prefer to not prove to the world that the stuff causes cardiac problems… among other things, because it was NOT, IMHO, (in my humble opinion) tested sufficiently before the medical community began jabbing it into everyone’s arms.  I have friends all over the spectrum on this topic and I do respect your right to disagree.  Just let me know if you prefer organ music or guitar for your Memorial Mass. 

When I left that job I found out something that has made life quite difficult.  Because I left a State job via early retirement and need to find a new job to, oh, feed the dogs at my house and pay the mortgage, I was jettisoned into online job hunting quite rapidly.  And there is some sort of a Rule that if you are a State retiree, you cannot work again for the State and make in excess of $35,000 a year.  (I know, punish me for wanting to make a living wage.)  So, the only options on the table, it seems, are as follows:  a) to take a job in the private sector (which I am fine with); b) to take a job in ministry (and starve and lose the house I worked so hard to get); c) to leave New York entirely (a process that will throw my whole life into further chaos, should I have to pursue it).  Yeah, if anyone else out there thinks I am missing an option, just let me know.  I am scratching a lottery ticket a week and would also entertain the idea again, albeit briefly, of marrying into money. 

So, I got hired in Job #2 which lasted six months… which I actually really enjoyed.  (Names omitted for the sake of decency.)  Primarily it lasted six months because a crooked person was ruining the boss’ business and I tried to encourage him to be more professional and honest in his daily business.  Yeah, that didn’t make me the Office Sweetheart.  I should have just bought a tee shirt with a target on my back.  I would venture to say that if a business loses six employees in six months, that is only doing a little better than … the very NEXT place I worked (for 7 weeks) which lost 12 people in 12 months.  While the math comes out even on that, the principle should have been that at month 7 they got BETTER not worse. 

And, my friends are all praying for me.  My prayer is limited to an old Polish prayer that is brief and to the point:  “Jezu Ufam Tobie.”  It means, “Jesus, I trust in You.”  Not, “Here’s what You need to do for me.”  The reason I am not telling the Lord what to do is because that would seem to suggest that I know better than He does, and I can assure you that I do not.  My job, currently, is this simple:  1) put out as many relevant resumes and cover letters as possible; 2) be open-minded to new ventures; 3) keep the wolves away from the doorstep.  His Job:  Everything Else.  And since I am not God, I do not know what “Everything Else” is, and therefore by default cannot manage that.

My mother and sister are making a Novena to St. Joseph the worker.  (Heads-up to St. Joseph that they will NOT stop pestering you until you get after your Son to move some mountain I am unaware of.)  I thought maybe I am not getting hired because I am funny-looking, but that can’t be it because people keep saying they like my hair color…. The color it is after I make it not-grey.  Life is making it grey.  When I went in for a cut, my hair dresser asked me, “So where are you getting your hair colored lately?”  I said, “The kitchen sink because it costs me a fraction of what I pay you to do it.”  A brief, yet pointed conversation.  He chuckled.

Another friend is praying to St. Anthony to “find” me a job, since I  have lost three since March of 2022.  He is patron saint of finding lost things.  I myself am asking my new friend St. Dymphna to pray for me.  She is patroness of people with Alzheimer’s, mental illness, and depression, all of which seem to be stalking me at this point in the game.

And to the kind-hearted believers who feel that God must be Teaching me Something right now, what may that be?  I will tell you what it is:  Survival.  “Jezu, Ufam Tobie.”  Primarily it is the lesson grounded in a concept that most people only learn right before they die.  And that is this:  we, in the long run, are not really in control of much. 

Why is it that when people are hailed as saints or those of great virtue who stand for a cause, no one tells The Rest of the Story … namely, that after you make your philosophical or moral stand (for which I am not sorry for doing in any case), you are now going to spend a lot of time trying to re-stabilize your life and make a “new normal.”  You may not have the doors of opportunity flung wide to you.  And, when it seems like a new door opens by someone who is really talking-it-up on how they are going to help you get where you need to go, get paid what you are “worth,” etc., that person may in the end only be looking to place you into a job that no one else wanted to stay in for some mysterious reason… a reason which takes you only 7 weeks to figure out.

This is starting to look a lot like my life when I was doing Online Dating.  I put myself out there with a lot of zeal and hope.  I have good faith in the other people that they are participating with the same intentions.  I sign on for some really good-looking possibilities …. That disintegrate into toxic disasters… I leave and say, “I am wiser now but heck that was rough.”  Oh, and then the period of self-doubt… Maybe I should have given it another chance?  Maybe I cut-bait too soon?  Maybe the problem is me?  Maybe … SIGH … maybe I’m ugly and my mother dresses me funny….

I recently had a very promising job interview, but the longer it goes before I hear from them whether they “want me” or not, the more the self-doubt begins to brew.  Maybe I was too folksy in my demeanor.  Maybe I shouldn’t have told them the story about the turtle and the goslings in their pond at the business park … about how 25 years ago when I had a part time job at the daycare there, the turtle was submarining and yanking the goslings down under.  The children in the 4-seated, giant red plastic stroller pushed by another worker were traumatized.  So, a turtle poacher had to be called-in to do what turtle poachers do…. I thought that was an important piece of business park history.  Judging from the looks of shock on their faces, maybe not.  Yeah, I can type 70+wpm but BOY can I tell a STORY … and all my stories are true!

On the way out of the office from the job interview I almost slipped on the sidewalk.  Some sort of January central New York precipitation began falling.  It was not quite snow, but not quite freezing rain either… until it was.  Less than five miles from my house I hit a patch of ice.  (Yes, Dad, I really WAS going the safe speed for the conditions.)  My whole vehicle began moving towards the right ditch.  I yelled out, “Jesus!  Help me!”  And the vehicle grabbed a bit of traction and moved toward – and then right past – the center lane and began to head toward the left ditch.  If there had been an oncoming car, the problem of being jobless would have been completely off the grid.  (Dead people tend to not need jobs.)  The vehicle then stabilized and oncoming cars saw me using my flashers to them and making the flat hand down motion which means:  SLOW DOWN!!!  I drove into the Town office and asked the clerk to call the DOT guys and have them sand that road due to my unnerving experience.  I drove the rest of the one mile home and felt like my nervous system had been dealt the final blow.

What did that teach me?  Again, a reiteration of the lesson:  We are in control of a lot less than we think we are.  I have felt drained for days.  This was adding insult to injury.  But now a couple of days later it has me thinking about Other Things of which I have no control.  They are ordinary things, but they yank my chain.  They drain me.  And I need to readjust my brain so that they do not do any more damage to me.

For instance, this morning I went to a church where the homilist based the last 25% of his homily on his interpretation of a sociological situation that was, in my lived experience, Incorrect.  I got more stressed-out the more he talked.  I just wanted him to STOP.  I was trying to distract myself, in church, for ONCE when it is usually the Other way around:  I am usually distracted and am trying to corral the horses of my thoughts and be more focused.  Yet here I was looking at the little kid’s red shoes next to me.  I wondered if I had a son that wore red shoes if I would tell him he could be POPE someday, because the Pope wears red shoes.  Handily, Fantasy Mom Me, would show my kid a picture online of the pope’s red shoes.  After all, they are practically sacramentals aren’t they?  I remembered my mother saying to me the other day, “can’t you just accept that the homilist has a different opinion than you?”  No.  I cannot.  But thanks for asking.  Because if I was giving a homily, do you think people would cut me the same sort of courtesy?  Nor should they.  Either it is accurate biblically, morally, ethically, psychologically, sociologically, etc., or don’t say it.  Do your homework, buddy.  I guess I expect them to spend their homilies on something else besides how they would make the historical world a different place.  Like try talking about Jesus and virtues.  That is an idea whose time has come.  But I am not in control of his thoughts and someone gave HIM the pulpit instead of me.  Another thing I cannot control.

I am job shopping and feeling crummier with each resume I shove out there into cyberspace.  Each weekly call to “certify” for unemployment makes me wonder WHY they haven’t approved my claim yet and WHY I have to feel like hurling every time I return from the mailbox with no approval letter in it.  Afterall, I have worked full time continuously for over 30 years in Central New York.  Isn’t the system that is designed to be a Safety Net for emergencies supposed to work for ME TOO??!!?? 

Then it hit me.  If I get offered a good job and I take it, will I magically be able to start feeling good again?  What am I proving to anyone else by feeling out of sorts and helpless?  Nothing.  As one of my past bosses said pretty regularly, “No one cares.”  And what he really meant was that HE didn’t care.  The question, “Why is it necessary to feel stressed at all?” floats through my mind.  I am trying to make a home for it.  I used to tease my friends years ago when we did a 6-week Bible study called “Walk Out of Worry.”  Some of them had to do it two and three times and STILL were chronic worriers.  I did not have an issue with worry.  Until now, almost 25 years later.  But worry is a waste of time.  It just debilitates you from being ready for the moment of victory when it comes.  If I accept that the Outcome is not in my control, then I should just TRUST the One who has the whole THING in His control. 

Maybe the recent Job Offer that fell apart the weekend before I would have started work (two weeks ago) was really a blessing.  Maybe the One Who Searches Hearts was saving me from yet another office trainwreck.  Or, maybe in a few months that situation will turn around and it will be perfect and the door will fling wide open for me.  

I want to move to the Land of Rejoicing, mentally.  And I want to move there sooner rather than later.  I do not mean I want to be in the Hereafter.  I mean I want my brain to see the good things in life and be really, really glad about all of them.  My loving dogs.  My sweet cats.  My cheerful birds.  My guinea hen.  The firepit.  The home I live in and love.  The friends and family who have been each supportive in their own way.  My health.  My talents.  The future.  All of it.  This morning the psalm response in church was, “I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.”  When I was a kid, I always thought that meant in heaven.  Now as an adult I realize it means:  right here, right now.  I believe.  I do believe.  I have utter confidence that God has got this thing.  And He cares.  He cares about me.  He cares about you.  He cares about the whole entire thing.  I shall see.  I shall see it unfold before me, I shall look in the rearview mirror in ten years and marvel at how it all fell into place.  I will marvel, also, at the woman I have become in the process.  The good things of the Lord.  It is also written that “every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above.”  I do believe that.  I have seen that.  He wants the best for us.  In the land of the living.  Not some day in a galaxy far, far away, but here and now.  This is His intention for us.  This is His will for us. 

Many years ago I came upon one of my favorite Bible verses of all time.  It has been a centering point for me throughout my life.  It says this:

Do not conform yourselves to this world.  But be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may judge what is God’s good and pleasing and perfect will.  (Romans 12:1-2)

It is this season in life – this very difficult and challenging season – which will bring about a renewal of mind.  A new way of thinking can only come when you realize that your olde way of thinking just aint cutting it.  So as I say, “Jezu Ufam Tobie,” with all of my Polish ancestors before me, my mind is turning more towards His way of thinking.  I am more open to receive the good things.  I can let go of any strange, self-imposed obligation to be miserable, fearful and worried during this time.  Am I perfect at it yet?  Heck, no.  But at least I see what it is.  I know why it’s better for me to change my mind to this new way … if for no other good reason than Mylanta and Pepto taste yucky – and they are what I am left with when I have the other way of thinking, the no-good way.  It turns out, I might have some control after all, but just over ME and how I think … and maybe that’s all that matters.




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